If you’re a stuffed animal expert, you might relate to the following:

I hate character plushes that are made of scratchy materials.


Also I can’t STAND sequins on plush πŸ˜…


I generally like embroidered eyes much better than safety eyes. I see a lot of people saying that the embroidered eyes look cheap, but I think they’re cute and make the plushie more cuddly.


Not a hot take, but I will only get a plushy if it feels good. I am very heavy on texture, so if it feels like sh*t, too bad bucko, I ain’t gettin’ it.


Anything with too much hard plastic in the face (huge eyes, sculpted faces, teeth, etc). Makes it less cuddly.


I don’t like stuffed animals that are really stiff, or their limbs are stuck in a sitting or standing position. I guess they look nicer for display but I like stuffed animals for cuddling.


source: Reddit.com/r/Plushies, our 52,000 member community.

Which is why you deserve a luxuriously soft stuffed animal. One that goes SMOOSH.

  • Premium silky soft stuffing, avoided by most designers to save costs.
  • Extremely soft fabric for better cuddles.
  • No bead eyes
  • No felt bits, that can scratch and cut.
  • No stiff or crunchy stuffing.
  • See our 50,000 member community, r/Plushies.
  • We relentlessly pursue quality for you.
  • You can always email us directly!

Here are our first super soft stuffed animals. Click to learn more about them.

Breb Chinchilla
Lime Slime Conure
Mango Borb